Bidwill Public School

Grow in understanding

Telephone02 9628 2444

Learning at our school

Find out more about what your child will learn at our school.

Bidwill Public School Preschool

Bidwill Public School Preschool is a Department of Education Preschool situated in Bidwill Public School. It is a three-unit preschool, catering for children aged 3 to 5, in the years prior to entering formal school.

Our Preschool program provides exciting and varied activities to support your child's interests, needs and development.

The program stimulates children's thinking, communicating, investigating, exploring and problem solving skills. It also promotes physical activity and healthy eating, and helps them be ready for transition to school.

Our early childhood trained teacher and school learning support officer are guided by the early years learning framework - belonging, being and becoming that emphasises play-based learning, communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy), and social and emotional development.

Bidwill Public School

Primary learning includes whole-class, group and individual activities designed to develop an inquiring mind and teach basic learning skills needed for schooling and later life.

Literacy and numeracy are the building blocks of learning and that is why English and mathematics take up half of students' learning time in primary school.

The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) is responsible for the curriculum, Kindergarten to Year 12, for all NSW schools.

For the primary years, NESA develops syllabuses for all subjects in 6 key learning areas:

  • creative arts
  • English
  • human society and its environment (HSIE)
  • mathematics
  • personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE)
  • science and technology.

Some primary schools may also offer languages.

NSW schools also offer special religious education and special education in ethics via approved providers, where available.

Primary school in NSW follows a curriculum based on stages of learning. Each stage is approximately equivalent to two school years. For each learning stage there are skills, knowledge and a level of understanding that each student should develop.

  • Early Stage 1 refers to Kindergarden
  • Stage 1 includes Years 1 and 2
  • Stage 2 includes Years 3 and 4
  • Stage 3 includes Years 5 and 6

Like all NSW schools, we have developed teaching and learning programs to suit our local context and the needs of our students.

To learn more about curriculum in NSW, visit:

Stages of learning

There are 6 stages of learning from Kindergarten to Year 12. Primary school covers Early Stage 1, or Kindergarten, to the end of Stage 3.

  • Stage 1 includes Kindergarten to Year 2 (Kindergarten is referred to as Early Stage 1).
  • Stage 2 includes Years 3 and 4.
  • Stage 3 includes Years 5 and 6.

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