Bidwill Public School

Grow in understanding

Telephone02 9628 2444

Learning in Preschool

Our Vision Statement

At Bidwill Public Preschool, we will provide the best education to our students who deserve only the best ensuring they become self-regulated, independent, lifelong learners.

All early childhood services are required to follow National Education and Care Laws and Regulations. This ensures that services provide high quality education and care for all children.

At Bidwill Public Preschool, we are also guided by the principles, practices and outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework in planning a responsive program to meet the individual needs of your child. 

During your child’s time at Bidwill Public Preschool, teachers and educators engage in playful learning with your child, in line with our service philosophy and deep understanding of how young children learn best. While playing with your child, we make observations of learning which are analysed using the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). The analysis drives our planning decisions, determining ways in which your child’s learning can be extended. 

Our Statement of Philosophy

Cultural Diversity

We acknowledge and value:

The role of the parent as the child’s first educator and strive to make strong meaningful connections with each family to gain valuable input to better support each child.

The unique cultural diversity of each child and embrace the difference each family presents in order to create a sense of belonging.  

Critical Reflection

We believe:

Critical reflection drives programming, planning and implementation. It also plays a vital role in educators’ ongoing learning.

Through thoughtful and honest collaboration each child’s experience is acknowledged and provided with opportunities to build on each other’s knowledge and understanding.   

High Expectations

We are committed to:

Achieving high expectations allowing all children to reach their potential and becoming fully functioning citizens. We also understand the importance of being positive role models in supporting children to regulate their own behaviour.

Engaging in positive, respectful daily interactions with children and understand that these interactions will assist in supporting them to learn about interdependence and develop the self-confidence and skills to manage their own behaviour.     

Play Based Learning

We understand that:

Learning occurs in a social context, where deliberate, thoughtful and purposeful experiences take place. The use of open ended questions and experiences are offered, while building on each child’s knowledge and skills.

Fostering challenging experiences involves a high level of critical thinking and sustained shared conversations and flexible learning environments cater to the abilities and needs of each individual child.

Through positive interactions we provide extended periods of nurturing play based learning to occur. This allows children to a build positive attitude towards learning, promotes children’s agency and challenges their thinking. These positive interactions during play allows children to discover, imagine and create. 

Building Respectful Relationships

We aim:

To build and maintain safe, supportive, meaningful collaborative partnerships while maintaining the dignity and rights of each child. 

Learning Environment

We strive to achieve:

Engaging learning spaces that will reflect children’s curiosity, interest and abilities. We provide lengthy uninterrupted play based learning opportunities for children to explore, experiment, engage and investigate.