Bidwill Public School

Grow in understanding

Telephone02 9628 2444

Learning support

Led by our learning support team, the learning support process at Bidwill Public School aims to ensure that the educational needs of your child are being met.

We monitor each student's progress and provide additional learning support if this is required.

Our school uses learning programs and specialised staff where needed and we work in partnership with parents and carers to assist students who have special learning needs.

Our school is committed to working with Aboriginal parents and community members in developing personalised plans for our Aboriginal students.

Learning support team

"A learning support team is a whole-school planning and supporting mechanism. It is formed with the purpose of addressing the learning needs of students through the coordination, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of education programs (Special Education Handbook, 1985)."

The learning support team at Bidwill Public School meets once a week and uses collaborative problem solving to assist teachers to meet the needs of all students their classrooms. Teachers may request advice regarding resources, support for a group of students in their class with specific needs or advice regarding provision of support to students in a particular aspect of the curriculum. Members of staff with particular expertise may be requested to assist.


Quicksmart aims to provide an intense intervention focused on basic knowledge and understandings that can equip students with the skills necessary to engage more successfully with classroom instruction. The Quicksmart intervention is designed as a relatively long-term (30 week), yet cost-effective, program for students in middle-school who need to improve their basic mathematics, and/or reading, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.

Reading recovery

Reading Recovery is a research-based early intervention program to reduce reading and writing failure. Within the Reading Recovery program, each student's regular classroom instruction is supplemented with a 30-minute daily lesson individually designed to meet his or her literacy needs.

At Bidwill we have a systematic approach to Reading Recovery where experienced, trained Reading Recovery Teachers implement the program.

Support teacher learning assistance

Support teachers learning assistance (STLAs) have a role within whole-school initiatives to improve outcomes for students with learning difficulties.

The STLA's role as a member of the school learning support team is to:

  • identify and assess students experiencing difficulties in learning
  • plan, implement, monitor and evaluate programs for students with learning difficulties
  • build the capacity of teachers to support students with a diverse range of learning needs

In working collaboratively with school executive, classroom teachers and parents, the STLA may provide support through:

  • team teaching
  • consultancy and training and development with other teachers
  • withdrawal for assessment
  • withdrawal of students for short term intensive instruction and monitoring of progress
  • support for peer tutoring and other programs

English as a second language 

The Bidwill English as a Second Language (ESL) program is available for students whose first language is not English.

Students eligible for ESL support range from those newly arrived in Australia and beginning to learn English, to Australian born students from a non-English speaking background.

School learning support coordinator

The school learning support coordinator (SLSC)  provides the learning support team with a means to ensure students with high needs receive the support they need. By coordinating support options the SLSC helps the school meet its obligations to provide a quality education to all students according to their needs and ability. 

Early school support program

Students identified in Kindergarten – Year 2 work with a specialist teacher who programs learning activities for these targeted students.

IO class

Support class for students with moderate intellectual disability.

Learning support class

Support class for students experiencing difficulty meeting literacy and numeracy outcomes.