Bidwill Public School preschool is a Department of Education (DoE) preschool situated in Bidwill Public School. It is a three-unit preschool, catering for children aged 3-5, in the years prior to entering formal school.
Bidwill Public School Preschool runs a full-day program 9am to 3pm with flexible hours to suit the needs of families with other children at school. Positions are offered to ensure all children have access to the preschool for at least 15 hours per week. The preschool is a three unit preschool. Each classroom has a maximum of 20 children per day with one early childhood trained teacherand one student learning support officer in each class. We follow the enrolment procedures outlined by DOE, proritising enrolments for Aboriginal children, children living in low socio-economic circumstances and children who are unable to access other early childhood services due to disadvantage or finacial hardships.
As a Deparment of Education and Training (DET) preschool, Bidwill Public School preschool main purpose is to provide quality prior-to-school education to young children who would otherwise be unable to access a similar service (due to lack of services in the area, or financial difficulty). We cater for a wide range of cultural backgrounds, with large numbers of families from the Pacific Islands (predominantly Samoa), a range of Aboriginal nations, and India and Pakistan. Bidwill Public School preschool proudly caters for children with additional needs.
Bidwill Public School preschool has three teaching positions and three teacher's aide positions. One of the teaching staff is also the assistant principal for preschool. One class teaching load is job-shared between two teachers. All teachers hold a degree in early childhood education, and all the student learning support officers hold a certificate 3 in children's services.
Bidwill Public School preschool enjoys extensive grounds in a natural setting. A large sandpit with awning is a feature of the yard, along with the large gum trees for shade. There are three well-resourced classrooms, each with a large storeroom, custom bathroom for children, kitchen, staff toilet and office. There are two additional storerooms for outdoor equipment, and a staff tea room. All classrooms are reverse-cycle air conditioned.
For more information, download and view welcome to preschool parents guide (PDF 626KB).